FY2020 Appropriation Successes
Today, the House and Senate have passed two appropriations bills for FY2020 which are now heading to the President’s desk for signature. The government funding expires on Friday, December 20th, 2019 at midnight.
Broydrick and Associates has worked diligently for our clients on many diverse appropriation requests and have been very successful in getting what our clients needed.
For another year in a row, Broydrick and Associates has secured another “plus up” appropriation for cranberry research through the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Agricultural Research Service (ARS). An additional $750,000 will be added to the current funding for the Cranberry-ARS program and will allow researchers to combat crop disease and improve growing conditions. This program is an invaluable tool to the cranberry industry and will now have more than $4 million in funding.
Department of Energy-National Nuclear Security Administration’s Mo-99 Program:
The program was established to create a reliable domestic supply of Mo-99 produced without the use of highly enriched uranium. Mo-99 is used in more than 40,000 U.S. medical procedures every day. Broydrick and Associates worked with Congress to appropriate $35 million for cooperative agreements between the federal government and U.S. companies, like NorthStar Medical Radioisotopes, to further the goals of the program. NorthStar is the first domestic production of Mo-99 in more than 25 years.
Rural Lending:
The USDA’s rural lending programs provide capital to rural Americans and assist in spurring economic growth throughout rural America. This appropriations season, Broydrick and Associates successfully assisted our rural lending clients in increasing the size of the following rural lending guaranteed loan programs: Business & Industry, Community Facilities and Rural Energy for America Program.
Business & Industry Program Loan Level: $1 Billion
Community Facilities Program Loan Authorizations: $ 500 Million
Rural Energy for America Program:
Appropriation: $ 706,000
Loan Level: $ 20 Million
Broydrick and Associates also urged Congress to include report language to create a simple solution to a serious flaw in the existing regulations for rural lending in the Virgin Islands. The language will allow lenders to expand their rural lending portfolio to better serve American territories.
Reducing Combined Sewer Overflows:
In an effort to reduce combined sewer overflows and require the implementation of green infrastructure, Broydrick and Associates successfully lobbied to appropriate funds for an EPA program for the first time ever. The program is now funded at $28 million and requires green infrastructure tools be implemented.
Separate from appropriations
Broydrick and Associates successfully worked with the General Services Administration to permit our client to submit a proposal for a lease agreement during a request-for-proposal period which they were originally prohibited from participating in.