International Affairs

International Affairs

The Broydrick Way

  • Navigate the U.S. Statutory & Regulatory Environment
  • Coordinate Key Meetings with U.S. Government Officials
  • Develop Key Messaging

With today’s advanced technology, our world is getting smaller and smaller. At Broydrick & Associates, we believe our principles of diligence and discipline apply not only here in the United States, but also across the globe. We have represented foreign governments, companies and trade associations both on Capitol Hill and within the US business community. On a daily basis, our associates are advocating on behalf of our clients—both nationally and internationally. Listed below is a sampling of our endeavors past and present.

North America

Washington D.C.
444 N. Capitol St.

Milwaukee WI
400 E.Wisconsin
Suite 400


Dominican Republic
Air Cargo


Milwaukee Career Academy

The Malaysian Rubber Export Board

The Kurdistan Regional Government


Milwaukee Center for International Health

Der Norske Veritas (DNV)


South Africa

Buffalo City Municipality

Milwaukee Center for International Health