Shape Legislation, Rules and Regulation

Shape Legislation, Rules and Regulation

Shape Legislation, Rules and Regulation

Our professionals have years of experience shaping legislation and regulation to our clients’ maximum advantage.  We provide comprehensive proactive services, to formulate and to introduce legislative initiatives that are good policy and that serve our clients’ interests.  We specialize in identifying legislative champions who will work with our clients to achieve their policy objectives.  Our legislative services include:

  • legislative drafting
  • precedent research
  • consensus building
  • member education
  • dear colleague letters
  • co-sponsor identification
In addition to our legislative expertise, Broydrick & Associates has a robust regulatory practice, especially in the areas of health, education and transportation.  We monitor new rules and regulations as they are promulgated on a daily basis, and we work with congressional staff in case legislative intervention is necessary.  We stay on top of the latest developments so that our clients are the first to know when their interests are impacted.  Our regulatory services include:

  • regulation monitoring & alerts
  • regulation review
  • comment drafting & submission
  • executive branch advocacy